Wednesday 16 July 2008

Still here, and loving TextMate for AS3

Just a quick note to say that I haven't abandoned Identity and / or fallen under a bus.

The book I'm writing at the moment is in the final intense stages, so spare time is non-existent.

I'll try to reply today to anyone who has emailed me and not heard back. 

As an aside - last week I finally completed configuring TextMate to edit all my AS3 projects, and use ant to produce asdocs. I'm mostly working in Flash rather than Flex so it took a bit of wiggling to get the fl. package stuff to stop complaining.

Clearly if you're on Windows then you've got the option of FlashDevelop, but on Mac I've tried Flex, Eclipse with Powerflasher FDT, jEdit, coda (which I'm still using for everything except AS3) and of course the good ol' Flash IDE, but I've finally settled on TextMate and I'm really happy with it.

I'd been using TextMate as a 'power editor' to do extensive find / replace type tasks when refactoring for a while, but had come across multiple problems that stopped me from switching to it for all my AS3 and asdocs.

I'll post a complete run down of how I've finally got it set up next week. Google code group and this blog should be active again from the end of next week onwards. 



Chetan Sachdev said...

Hello Stray,
I am facing this problem while using a component from flash to flex (converted using Flex Component Kit)
I followed your blog from

Do you have any solution for this problem ?

Please help

Thank You

b1narys0l0 said...

Hi Stray,

I was wondering if you had any problems with the file in the package.

It is used as an 'include' in other files (I didn't even know AS had an 'include' command, more like PHP than AS!). Anyway, mxmlc is complaining that the "public attribute can only be used inside a package". This makes sense because this file is just a list of static variables referring to version numbers.

Just wondering how you solved this problem?